New South Wales (NSW) Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure – Crown lands and Public Spaces (NSW Crown Lands) manages a significant area of the NSW coast, including beaches, commercial areas, roads and estuary foreshores. Social, environmental, economic and cultural services are associated with the managed land, creating challenges exacerbated by dynamic coastal processes, coastal hazards and climate change.
JB Pacific completed a coastal hazard exposure analysis for various assets managed by NSW Crown lands across the state. This large-scale analysis utilised a range of coastal hazard data, including coastal erosion and tidal inundation, to improve the understanding of present and future exposure of Crown land. As part of the analysis, assets were categorised into whether they are directly managed by the Minister, by Councils or other entities. Crown land Parcels, buildings on managed Crown land, Crown roads, NSW points of interest (POI) on managed Crown land, and Crown leases were assessed.