Alex Maskell has been down in Rockingham looking at the coastal processes within Warnbro Sound. Thanks to Tim Clee (Rockingham City Council) for the tour of the Sound, pointing out the important features such as the Tern Island Sandbar and discussing the ongoing management challenges.
This is an area that has experienced a very unique coastal change over the recent decades. It is a region exposed to ongoing tidal action, wave processes, storm surges, longshore drift, erosion and deposition. The Tern Island Sandbar itself is very dynamic, which is a long, narrow sandbar that extends from the shore out into the Sound. Over time it has experienced a change in direction, originally extending south-westerly, but now shifting to a southern-easterly orientation from the coast. We have used the Geoscience Australia’s DEA (Digital Earth Australia) Coastlines dataset to track its movement over time, which uses remote sensing to map the location and shape of the coastline. You can see the changes in the animation below, spanning the 1980s-present.
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