For a 2100 design or planning horizon, is a projected sea level rise of 0.8m good enough?
A lot of us in the field of engineering design or planning would have accounted for a projected sea-level rise of 0.8 metres by 2100 in our work so that the structure or development is still fit for purpose by the end of its’s design life. SLR of 0.8m was adopted by the Queensland Government based on climate modelling for probable scenarios of world development presented in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report released in 2014 (AR5).
Recently the IPCC has released the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) and is 0.8m still good enough?
If you have a climate change or extreme weather related problem you would like to discuss, or just an ordinary engineering problem but you want to look into some smart solutions, please get in touch with our specialists at JBP.